Abstract - 2
Impact of COVID-19 on Information Technology
Zubeir Syed 1, * and Zafar Syed 2
1 Aliaswire Inc., Massachusetts and 2 Carnival Cruise Lines Inc., Florida, USA, *Corresponding Author: zasyed786@gmail.com
Two things have taken us by surprise during 2020. The spread of Covid-19 and the role of information technology (IT) in our lives. Covid-19 brought every business process & resource to a halt. But, IT redefined every business process, activated new resources behind it and kept the economy operating. We experienced how quickly humanity can come to a halt. And, we also experienced how resilient humanity could be in resolving the issues. And, IT was at the centerpiece in enabling the resilience for humanity. So, in this article, we are going to discuss some of the challenges IT faced during the Covid-19 pandemic and how it transformed itself to make the businesses succeed.